Gold Dust Woman

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Another Day

Stacey and her sister went to Shreveport to spend the day (and their money) and I'm at home, bored once again.

I'm in this anxious mood where I can't sit still but I can't get into doing anything either because I get bored with it. I'm trying to force myself to go screw around in my art room because I'll usually find something to keep my attention there.

I took at long hot bath earlier. Since our water heater in 23 years old, I boiled to large pots of water with lavender oil. I ran my bath water as hot as I could get it (which isn't very hot-that's where the boiling water comes in) I added a half bottle of bubble bath, sea salts with other sea ingredients in it, more bath oil, lavender salts and lit some candles. I put on the relaxing music and soaked. Then I washed my hair, got out, and right back on the computer.

Whatta day.

I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. I sin, but I'm not the devil. I'm good. but I'm not an angel.

~Marilyn Monroe

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