I went to the Dr. this morning and told her I was starting group today. She was happy and didn't change my
meds or anything. Last week she upped my
Depakote to 1500 mg a day. I'm eating
triple what I normally would. Luckily I'm skinny as it is so if I put on a few more pounds I might look better. I shit 5 or 6 times a day too. My stomach hurts and I have horrible gas. I can handle that though.
I'm thinking about going into an EMT program after I get finished with therapy. I'm not sure where to start.
My dogs are driving me nuts. Am I the only one out there who has a pet that sleeps with them and no matter how they decide to lay on the bed (mine prefers the center of my pillow) you will rearrange yourself into an uncomfortable position just to keep it from being disturbed? I wake up every morning in pain because my little bitch (mini schnauzer) likes to sleep on my pillow and sometimes if I'm on it first, she will lay across my face or throat.