Gold Dust Woman

Monday, March 05, 2007

Group #1

Went to group today. I didn't say much at first then the second half I opened up more. It's a PRIDE group so I'm with all my kind, including the therapists which makes it MUCH easier. I'm the only non-drug addict though. I'm not sure if the others can relate to me since they are in there for crack addiction (all of them) and I'm in there for bipolar. They were able to see my mood swings in action and were pretty entertained by them. I'd be all shy and quite one minute, then talkative and anxious the next. Then quiet again.

Stacey is sick with a cold. I've been boiling her water for extra hot baths (our water heater is 20 years old! Older than the house!) and trying to make her feel better but there's not much I can do.

Daisy is laying right in her ass crack. She likes to do that. I woke up this morning with her face in my ass. She's a weird one. She like to lick you right in the eyes, sleep across your face and bite your ears. She's a sweetie though.

I need to start selling my artwork again. I have nothing listed on Ebay right now and I NEED MONEY. I'm trying to save up for a trip to Savannah in July to see mommie. I miss her.

I go back to group again tomorrow at noon. Everyday Mon-Fri for the next 3 weeks. Yay.

I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. I sin, but I'm not the devil. I'm good. but I'm not an angel.

~Marilyn Monroe

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