Gold Dust Woman

Friday, March 16, 2007

Nasty Brats

Stacey and I went to eat at Fire Mountain Grill last night in Mansfield. We were dining on steak and eating sweet rolls and potatoes from the buffet when Stacey went back for a salad. While she was just about to sprinkle some cheese on top of her full salad plate, some little punk ass, booger picking, brat about age 8 came up to the cheese and started eating out of it with his fingers. Stacey made a noise at him to stop so he pulled all of the cheese out of his mouth and put it right back in the buffet. YAK! We both lost our appetites right away. I flagged down our waitress and told her what had happened and she took the cheese before anyone else got any.

You could tell by his parents that they could have cared less. I wanted to spit my chewed up steak right in the middle of THEIR food and see how THEY liked it. I also wanted to ring the kid's neck. He's old enough to know better. Tyler is 9 and he wouldn't think about doing something like that. I've watched him many times at buffets and he's so careful. Even the 6 year old doesn't act like that in a restaurant.

Ughgh. People.

I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. I sin, but I'm not the devil. I'm good. but I'm not an angel.

~Marilyn Monroe

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