I went to see my
psych Dr today. I really see a nurse. She's this tall skinny lesbian who dresses like a boy in polo shirts and
khakis. She's nice and seems to understand my fear of new
meds. She told me is was MANDATORY that I call a therapist before our next visit. So I picked one off the list (my last one was a ding bat) and made an appointment. I go on the 2
nd. She also put me on Zoloft. I took that back when I was 16 but I can't remember what effects it had. If I remember right, there were none, but we'll see.
Stacey and I are going to pull the camper down for Stacey's mom and sister. They want to camp this weekend even though it's supposed to be rainy and nasty. I can see it now. Grandma, Stacey's sister who lets her kid do whatever he wants whenever he wants, a
pouty lazy 9 year old who whines all the time and the wild kid who never stops cramped up inside a small RV for 2 days. But they insist. We're not going since Stacey has to work tomorrow.
I hope they all have fun though. I think I'll get some housework done, paint some and hang out with Stace and the animals.
My newest piece...
I have it listed on Ebay but it hasn't shown up in the search yet. The item # is 190095879630 so if you type that the search in it may pull up.
I love painting the folk people! I went to the craft store for more canvas today. I can't afford to buy the high dollar 1.5 thick edge canvas so I'm making do with the panels. It's the artwork that counts, not the canvavs type. I've put satin rope hangers on the back so they hang without a frame. I like the flat art.