Gold Dust Woman

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Stacey took off work and we spent the day thrift store shopping. I found 2 pair of shorts for around $2 each and a rack to put our DVDs on. Most of my clothes come from thrift stores and I'm not ashamed of that at all. I don't NEED any new clothes. I have plenty of clothes and if I really wanted to, I could go to the mall and buy nice new clothes, but I prefer a deal. I like cheap. I don't have a ton of money so if I can a name brand pair of shorts for $2 that look brand new rather that at retail for $35, why not?

And just a random observation today. We went to the Salvation Army to look around. MY GOD. They had some old beat up dresser that had wood missing off the top and they wanted $300 for it!! I couldn't believe the prices in that place! They are mark their shit way ABOVE new retail price. We saw the bike (a smaller version) that we bought for Stacey's nephew 2 Christmas' ago. We paid $75 for the large bike at Wal-Mart. Salvation Army had the small one dirty and worn out for $129! WTF? They need a sign out front that says "BOHIC" (Bend over here it comes)

(Got that one from dad)

I also bathed both dogs. I don't know what Daisy's problem is but she humps constantly. Anytime Ruby is sitting still she jumps on her back and bangs away. It's really funny to watch. (Ruby is a boxer and Daisy is a 7 lb miniature schnauzer) She's done it ever since we got her. Dogs are strange.

Stacey is asleep. I don't think she's going to work tomorrow either. She needs a break. She's in a lot of pain from the work she does and I enjoyed spending the day with her today.

I ate boiled shrimp and a Mexican cocktail from Hook Line & Sinker, my favorite seafood restaurant in town. I know I can't eat fried seafood, but I didn't think the boiled stuff would bother me. I don't know if it was that or the cocktail, but I've been in such horrible pain. I feel like there is a hot iron in my stomach. It last for hours. I ate that around 4pm and I'm still hurting so bad I can't sleep. It's so bad that when I stand up my legs get week and I feel like I'm going to pass out. I have no idea what's causing it and it's only seafood that does it. My favorite food of all. I'm cursed.

I've been painting a lot lately. I've been so down. My best friend Kim is banned by her family from visiting with me because of my mental problems. Because I cut myself, I must automatically be violent toward others. Kim is 40 years old but because she doesn't have a vehicle, she's stuck at her mothers 3 hours away.

A whole different story I'll get into some other time. Anyway, painting takes away all of my negative thoughts. It's very therapeutic. Selling it is also great. To think that there are people out there all over the world with my artwork hanging on their walls and in their shops is very rewarding. I'm thinking of painting one soon for charity. Maybe for the SPCA. Definitely something animal related.

I didn't take my meds tonight. Livey has scared me into not taking the Depakote. (She's only looking out for me :) I've heard other horror stories about Depakote and liver damage and now that she's told me hers, I'm calling me doctor and asking for something else. Anyway, I like to drink occasionally and I take pain medication that also effects the liver.

Okay, I'm going to bed now. Night all.

I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. I sin, but I'm not the devil. I'm good. but I'm not an angel.

~Marilyn Monroe

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