Gold Dust Woman

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Camping Trip

We're leaving for our camping trip late tonight when Stacey gets off work. I have most everything packed. We took the camper down to the spot this morning for Stacey's family. It's supposed to be cold. I was really hoping to get some sun. I have all mine and Stacey's snacks packed. I refuse to share chips with Stacey's sister who lets her 6 year old, booger picking brat (I love him don't get me wrong) stick his filthy hands in the food. I don't know how the sleeping arrangements are going to go. There is Stacey's brother who is 24, Stacey's mom, Stacey's sister, me, Stacey, Stacey's 9 year old nephew and Stacey's sister's 6 year old booger picker. We'll be cramped but it should be fun.

We got Daisy a new dress. I'll have to post a photo before I leave. She was out at the campsite today running full speed through the blue bonnets. I wish I'd had a camera then. She ran so fast her ass started going faster than the rest of her and she went into front flips though the grass.

I also have some more paintings listed. I will not be checking Ebay or my e-mails while I'm gone so if someone wants to bid on something while I'm gone, it would be a nice surprise when I got back!

This is my latest:

I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. I sin, but I'm not the devil. I'm good. but I'm not an angel.

~Marilyn Monroe

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