Gold Dust Woman

Monday, April 23, 2007

Dead Houses

Stacey and I went to an auction in the "crack town" part of Fort Worth this morning. I noticed just about every house in that area had the windows boarded up. As I was looking out the window at all of these little boarded up houses it brought back sad memories of my childhood.

When I was about 7 my mother some random unknown stranger set fire to our house and started it in MY bedroom on MY bed. Luckily my mom just happened to be taking all the animals to the vet that day along with having all of my expensive porcelain dolls cleaned, and just by chance she had the scrapbooks and albums of me and her old modeling photos with her too. I don't think insurance ever paid off... A N Y W A Y S... another story another day.

I was at my grandmother's house and my dad was at work. I remember trying to call the house for my mother and the line was busy. I found out why later.

After the fire was out they boarded up the house. As a kid I always thought of the windows on a house as being the house's eyes. So it freaked me out to see boards over the "eyes" as if the house was dead.

Driving down Miller St. today freaked me out, and I still get paranoid when I'm out of town and I call home to check my answering machine and the line is busy.

It's funny how somethings you just never get over.

I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. I sin, but I'm not the devil. I'm good. but I'm not an angel.

~Marilyn Monroe

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