Gold Dust Woman

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Garage Sales

Stacey and I had another garage sale. This time in Cleburne at Stacey's sisters. We did pretty good.

Some people though. We had a set with a pretty floral toothbrush holder, 2 cups (all porcelin) and shower curtian rings (all of them) for $1. This old bitty came up and picked up each piece, counted all the rings, picked up each piece again, looked at front and back and said, "this cup has a chip, will you take 25 cents for everything?" WTF? Stacey said NO and the woman turned her nose up and left. I went over and the chip was about the size of a pin head on the bottom of one of the cups. It wasn't 5 minutes later another woman saw the set and bought it for $1 with no hesitation. Go buy that set brand new at Kohls and see what you'd pay. $12.99 per cup and $9.99 for the shower curtian rings. Also, none of the items had been used! Cleburne has a bunch of old snots who think they're too good for anything. We did have a lot of friendly people come to the sale too.

We went to the mall today and bought a few things. Big Lots had RL t-shirts for $5.00 so we bought a few. I got a Cheerios shirt for $5 that once sold on Ebay for $15.00. I'm keeping it for myself though.

We're going camping next weekend so I got some cheap tank tops and flip flops.

Also, Daisy (our mini schnauzer) humps Ruby (our boxer) to the point that it's really starting to annoy EVERYONE. She does it in the bed while I'm trying to sleep and it rocks the bed. She goes at it off and on for as long as an hour. Ruby just looks up and sighs while Daisys going to town on her back. She's 6 months old, not fixed and a female? Will getting her fixed solve this?

I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. I sin, but I'm not the devil. I'm good. but I'm not an angel.

~Marilyn Monroe

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