I love it... No matter how Ruby poses, her snatch is always so BOLD and IN YOUR FACE.
I love it when my little precious princess jumps onto my big lazy boxer's back and starts humping away and 90mph with diaper on and tail sticking straight up in the air...
And I love it when my big lazy boxer just sits there and looks at me with her big eyes and sighs while Daisy Dookie gets her kicks. I really love it when Stacey throws her turkey leg bones in the trash bag on the floor and and the bitches pull them out and have them strung all over the bedroom floor so I can step on them and cut my foot.
I love it when Ruby sits right in front of her food bowl outside and watches the black birds eat every bit of it, then sit at my feet begging the entire time I'm eating a hamburger.
Did I mention how much I love it when Daisy pisses her diaper? I'm going to have to re-potty train the whore again.
I'm so proud of my two.