Gold Dust Woman

Thursday, April 19, 2007


I'm a real idiot. I was wondering why the post I wrote earlier hadn't shown up on the blog. Well, I posted it under an old blog that I had created a long time ago and never posted on. I'm really losing my mind. I'll have something important, a doctors appointment card or a bill that I have to pay and I'll put it somewhere and say to myself, "I'm not going to forget this so I'm putting it here." and what do I do, I forget what I did with it. I'm too young to be having memory problems like I do.

I also get bored too easy. I go insane when I have nothing to do. Thank God I paint. But when I run out of materials and have no money for gas or supplies it really sucks.

Stacey and I went to a storage auction today and bought a unit. It had dog crates and an antique china hutch. Hopefully we can make some money off the stuff.

I caught my precious and innocent Ruby (the boxer) with her arms around Daisy humping the shit out of her. I was so disgusted. I expect that out of Daisy, but Ruby has been sniffing Daisy's pus ever since she went into heat. I guess it turned her on. EWWWWW. Dogs will be dogs though. Whores.

I love Big Lots. Target has this shabby chic style quilt that I've been wanting for so long but it's $99. I can't afford that. We went to Big Lots between auctions today and I saw a quilt VERY similar for $20 and the shams were included! They aren't with the one at Target. And not only that, the name of that style quilt was called Samantha. Couldn't resist. I feel so floral and girly laying in my bed now. Hopefully Daisy won't bleed all over it. I can't keep her out of the bed at night. Bitch.

It's 12:10am. Stacey should be off work by now. I guess I'll go call her. Since I had my daily Starbucks fix about 9pm (REALLY smart since I like to go to bed around 11.) I had to take a couple of Klonopin. I sure hope that kicks in soon. I need to get up early and go grocery shopping. My spoiled whores babies are out of food.

I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. I sin, but I'm not the devil. I'm good. but I'm not an angel.

~Marilyn Monroe

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