Gold Dust Woman

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

My Day

*We've had bad weather again today. A few tornadoes here and there. None that did much damage though. I believe we're supposed to have more bad weather tonight.

*Our mailman is an ignorant dipshit. If I didn't have packages to be picked up today, we would have never gotten our mail. The doorbell rings around 3:30PM and it's the postman.

He has my 3 packages under his arm and says, "Me need paper I put in your mailbox for dees packages. I made mistake and put in your mailbox. I supposed to keep dat paper."

I said, "We didn't get any mail today."

He looked me up and down grinning like some perv and said, "Uh, no mail? I've been by already. Maybe I didn't put mail in mailbox yet. I go see and come back."

He left and about 1 hour later the doorbell rang again. I saw it was him again and opened the door.

"Here your mail! Heh Heh, I put in wrong mailbox, I put in 307 instead. I had to go back and find it. I sorry." and he handed me the mail, one insurance letter containing my SS# and other personal info.

Nice to know the USPS is right on top of things as usual.

I listed 2 new paintings on Ebay.

I have a headache from hell. I woke up with it and I'll go to bed with it. I refuse to take Tylenol or other over the counters. They don't work so there's no point in gagging myself for no reason. I may take a Vicoden later.

It's funny how Vicoden affects people different. With me, it puts me in this high, happy talkative mood when I'm normally quite shy. Others I know, it knocks them on their ass.

I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. I sin, but I'm not the devil. I'm good. but I'm not an angel.

~Marilyn Monroe

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