Gold Dust Woman

Friday, April 13, 2007

Texas Weather

The weather is supposed to turn bad in the next couple of hours. The news says that tornadoes and baseball size hail is likely. I love thunderstorms, but when the tornado sirens go off I get terrified. We'll just have to see.

I just got back from Starbucks. I'm drinking a Dolce De Leche Latte or something-or-nother. Whatever it is, it's good. I'm funny when it comes to drugs. I've tried pot and it has absolutely no effect on me at all, but give me a latte or an energy drink, ANYTHING with a considerable amount of caffeine and my whole mood changes and my energy level gets really high. It sends me into the manic phase of bipolar. The good manic phase.

Stacey finally got her an Ipod and we spend the afternoon transferring all of her favorite CD's onto it. Now she has something to listen to at work. I'm listening to mine now. Sultans of Swing is the first on my playlist. I think of my dad when I hear this song.

After I post this, I'm going to upload some more of my artwork into my paintings page. So check it out when you get a chance. I should have quite a bit more art on there in about an hour.

I want to put a photo album on here so my 4 loyal readers can see all the people I talk about on here. Sometimes it makes reading something a little more interesting and easier when you have a good mental picture of the people your reading about. I have tons of photos of the boys (Stacey's nephews) but not too many of me and Stacey.

Going to work on my art page now. Hopefully my computer won't die on me in this storm!

I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. I sin, but I'm not the devil. I'm good. but I'm not an angel.

~Marilyn Monroe

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