It's been a nasty rainy day today. I went go get art supplies this morning while Stacey took Angie to get her car. I feel ugly and disgusting today. I'm depressed and don't want to do anything. I may ride down to Starbucks and get me a coffee. That always perks me up.
I know why I'm depressed. I woke up this morning and turned on the TV. The first thing showing was the VT killings. They had a victims brother talking on the news. I flipped the station and the E True Hollywood Story of Andrea Yates was on. I went into the other room to paint some but couldn't seem to drown out the voice of her husband talking about the kids and what a wonderful wife she was. Ehh. Then after that they had something on about murders in prison who get fan mail from these nutcase woman. Murder someone and become a loved and wanted celebrity. Yeah. The next station just had more on the Virginia Tech killings. I had just about as much as I could take. So the TV is now off and won't come back on until 11PM when The Girls Next Door reruns come on.
I'm debating...Do I really want to get out in the rain to drive 3 miles to the nearest Starbucks? or do I want to sit inside and mope the rest of the afternoon?
I'm going for some coffee.