Gold Dust Woman

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


I went for an interview today and have been asked to come back tomorrow for a second. I'm not going to say where or what I'll be doing since this is a very well known place and I wouldn't want to blow it by blogging about it. (since dad lost his job over blogging) Anyway, if I DO get this job, I'll be making pretty good money and we'll be able to pay our bills on time!

I know I haven't posted much lately, but I've been busy.

I walked outside yesterday and noticed that the city had left a notice on the door saying we had an "unlcean premises" due to the trailer full of brush sitting in our driveway that the CITY refused to pick up. We have one the nicest yards in the neighborhood. We get compliments on it all the time and Stacey worked her ass off last weekend trimming the trees mowing and cleaning out the flowerbeds. Our yard is all St Augustine grass, we have lots of pretty flowers and everyone around us has knee high grass and old cars that sit in their driveway, but WE get a notice.

I think the fat bitch whore that lives next door reported us because she doesn't like the fact that there are homosexuals living next to her. She came over during one of our garage sales and told us to move our stuff off her property. First of all it wasn't on her property, and second of all her trashed out yard is one of the WORST on the street. I might could understand if she kept at least a DECENT manicured yard, but NOOOO. It looks like shit and she's never home. She works for American Airlines and when she is home she hermits herself inside and never comes out. The lid is off her water meter by her mailbox and since the owner is responsible for it, I'm tempted to put the dogs on their leashes and walk by and OOOOPS, accidentally FALL into it and twist my ankle and SUE. OR I'll just put weed and grass kill on her ENTIRE yard so it will turn brown while everyone else's stays green. Then we'll see who's premises looks like shit.

Piss me off and I'll get revenge, sometime, somehow.

That's the kind of mood I'm in today.

I'm pretty, but I'm not beautiful. I sin, but I'm not the devil. I'm good. but I'm not an angel.

~Marilyn Monroe

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